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AaronCookeFamily.info - The Web Site


Welcome to AaronCookeFamily.info!

This website is for the gathering and exchange of information concerning the descendants of Aaron Cooke and Elizabeth Charde Cooke who were married in Bridport, Dorset, England in 1610 (approximately). Aaron died at an early age (25) leaving 2 children and a widow, Elizabeth. In 1630 the 3 left England, along with the Ford family and others, aboard the ship Mary and John for the Massechussets Colony in New England.







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Tutum Iter - The Safe Path


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For geneaology info, please send email to: ancestry@aaroncookefamily.onfo

Send your family historical anecdotes to: historian@aaroncookefamily.info

Questions of who and what can be sent to: archivist@aaroncookefamily.onfo

Concerns about the web site, please send to: web@aaroncookefamily.info











This website and content contained herein are copyright (c) 2010 by SeaGoatArtWorx / John B Cooke IV




















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